Press & Reviews
The Gallery Players
April 23-May 15, 2016

"A whole page could be devoted to Ariana Valdes as Abuela. She is opera-trained and, with this background the powerful soprano in a solo number about a winning lottery ticket, brought a deserved standing ovation."~ TBR Newsmedia
"In addition, you must also have an extraordinary actress to portray Abuela Claudia, the town grandmother. Ariana Valdes recreates her BWW Regional Award winning role and yet again delivers a top notch performance. Her rendition of "Paciencia Y Fe" is truly one of the strongest numbers of the production." ~ BROADWAY WORLD
Westchester Broadway Theatre
February 7-April 7, 2013
"Ariana Valdes makes Daniela, the exotic hair salon owner, a dynamo who leads her employees in an energetic "No Me Diga" in a defiant "Don't tell me" declaration of independence. "Carnaval del Barrio" is a show-stopping ensemble number led by Valdes as Daniela." ~ TIMES HERALD-RECORD
"Ariana Valdes is a tremendous grounding presence as the Mother Abbess. She successfully expresses a firm though loving nature to her character, which is exactly what the Mother Abbess requires if we’re to side with her decision when she forces Maria to do something that the postulant obviously doesn’t want to do, plus Ariana’s rendition of Climb Ev’ry Mountain is a genuine crowd pleaser. It ends the first half of the show with such dramatic and musical power, the kind that delivers goosebumps, that some members of the audience couldn’t help but leap to their feet and cheer in admiration as the curtain fell." ~ DAVID APPLEFORD

SpeakEasy Stage Company
May 1 - May 30, 2009
"JERRY SPRINGER THE OPERA's claim to fame is its outrageous juxtaposition of the sacred and the profane. Its unnerving to hear a coloratura soprano like Ariana Valdes hitting those exquisite high notes with execrable lyrics on her silver tongue. It doesnt hurt the laughs, either, that all dolled up as Baby Jane, she looks a lot like Beverly Sills."
"Particular stand-outs vocally were Ariana Valdes as Peaches/Baby Jane..." ~ BOSTON THEATRE REVIEWS
"Ariana Valdes anchors the first act in a performance both tragic and funny as Baby Jane." ~ BROADWAY FROM THE BALCONY
"Ariana Valdes as Peaches/Baby Jane will be as formidable at the Metropolitan Opera as she is at the BCA. With a powerful and committed voice, Valdes proves she has the comedic prowess to pull off her roles." ~ TALKIN BROADWAY (Matthew Small)
"Among those who are [up to the demands of the more dissonant operatic material] Ariana Valdes, in the guise of Diaper Man's Miss Muffety playmate Baby Jane, applying a lush soprano to "This Is My Jerry Springer Moment." It's at times like these that you understand the show's larger ambition to fuse the lurid, attention-seeking behavior of the characters with the heft and soul of the music."

The Boston Conservatory
April 3-5, 2009
"Ariana Valdes, who played Atalanta, Romilda's sister, stole the show. She filled the stage with energy every time she was present and her performances were the most enjoyable of the evening. Valdes alone seemed to understand the meaning of what she was singing and was able to play around with the words in a way that brought in the audience." ~ THE JUSTICE

The Boston Conservatory
April 4-6, 2008
"Despina (Ariana Valdes), the soubrette who traditionally steals the show, stole the show. Among all the dramatis personae, the disgruntled maid's motivations are the least complicated - motivation, singular: cash money - and somehow the most sympathetic." ~ THE BOSTONIST

American Theatre of Actors
September 25 - October 27, 2019
"Divonne Bruder (Ariana Valdes), large, exuberant and an exposed nerve... movingly vents her inner battles and insecurities in “It’s All About Me.” - TheatreScene.net
"...and best friend Divonne Bruder (Ariana Valdes). While the quartet shine in various solos and tight four-part harmonies throughout the show, Valdes in particular earns every showstopping wisecrack and brassy number with ease and agility." - Onstage Blog, Natalie Rine